GET Feed counts

Requires ParOne Enterprise Player

GET category/event/tag counts for a feed

📣 Special thanks to the Tech team at SwingU for requesting this one!

This request retrieves the count of videos having a given event/tag/category in a feed.

Call Parameters

FEED_IDThe feed id.

Return Value

This call will return a JSON object that has a list of videos for your organization.

  "categories": [
      "count": 630,
      "name": "Entertainment"
  "events" : [],
  "feed_id": "FEED_ID",
  "name" : "FEED_NAME",
  "tags" : [
    "count": 1,
    "name": "  jessica marksbury"

Structure of the Returned Results

feed_idThe feed_id to use with API calls and in the parone-video-block
nameThe user-visible name in the app UI
categoriesThe organization-defined categories in the feed and the respective counts
eventsThe organization-defined events in the feed and the respective counts
tagsThe organization-defined tags in the feed and the respective counts