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GET Ad Analytics API

ParOne allows you to pull statistics about the ads that run on your videos. Use the following REST API to retrieve that information.

Retrieve ad analytics for your organization

This GET request retrieves the ad analytics. Your organization key will be provided by ParOne.



content_keyThe content key for the videoOptional. If not provided ad statistics for all your videos will be provided.
organization_keyThe organization keyThis key is provided by ParOne.
start_dateThe start date. Must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD. This is inclusive of this day.Advertising statistics are stored by UTC day. An ad that runs at 10PM EST on 1-Jan will be counted on 2-Jan.
end_dateThe end date. Must be in the format YYY-MM-DD. This is inclusive.Advertising statistics are stored by UTC day. An ad that runs at 10PM EST on 1-Jan will be counted on 2-Jan.

Return Value

This call will return a JSON object that has a list of videos for your organization.

"data": [
"ad_100": 0,
"ad_25": 0,
"ad_50": 0,
"ad_75": 0,
"ad_autoplayed": 0,
"ad_country": "none",
"ad_creative": "none",
"ad_device_type": "none",
"ad_done": 0,
"ad_impression": 0,
"ad_muted": 0,
"ad_played_muted": 0,
"ad_played_unmuted": 0,
"ad_player_id": "none",
"ad_position": "preroll",
"ad_skip": 0,
"ad_unmuted": 0,
"content_key": "2d91Ee68EA84Eb8bED31",
"date": "2022-09-15T23:59:59.000Z"
"ad_100": 0,
"ad_25": 2,
"ad_50": 2,
"ad_75": 2,
"ad_autoplayed": 0,
"ad_country": "US",
"ad_creative": "none",
"ad_device_type": "Desktop",
"ad_done": 2,
"ad_impression": 2,
"ad_muted": 0,
"ad_played_muted": 2,
"ad_played_unmuted": 0,
"ad_player_id": "none",
"ad_position": "midroll",
"ad_skip": 0,
"ad_unmuted": 0,
"content_key": "b4A486fde6dDf7Cb6C7c",
"date": "2022-09-27T23:59:59.000Z"
"ad_100": 0,
"ad_25": 0,
"ad_50": 0,
"ad_75": 0,
"ad_autoplayed": 0,
"ad_country": "US",
"ad_creative": "none",
"ad_device_type": "Desktop",
"ad_done": 0,
"ad_impression": 0,
"ad_muted": 0,
"ad_played_muted": 0,
"ad_played_unmuted": 0,
"ad_player_id": "none",
"ad_position": "midroll",
"ad_skip": 0,
"ad_unmuted": 0,
"content_key": "b4A486fde6dDf7Cb6C7c",
"date": "2022-09-28T23:59:59.000Z"
"ad_100": 0,
"ad_25": 1,
"ad_50": 1,
"ad_75": 1,
"ad_autoplayed": 0,
"ad_country": "US",
"ad_creative": "none",
"ad_device_type": "Desktop",
"ad_done": 1,
"ad_impression": 1,
"ad_muted": 0,
"ad_played_muted": 1,
"ad_played_unmuted": 0,
"ad_player_id": "none",
"ad_position": "preroll",
"ad_skip": 0,
"ad_unmuted": 0,
"content_key": "b4A486fde6dDf7Cb6C7c",
"date": "2022-09-27T23:59:59.000Z"
"ad_100": 0,
"ad_25": 1,
"ad_50": 0,
"ad_75": 0,
"ad_autoplayed": 0,
"ad_country": "US",
"ad_creative": "none",
"ad_device_type": "Desktop",
"ad_done": 0,
"ad_impression": 1,
"ad_muted": 0,
"ad_played_muted": 1,
"ad_played_unmuted": 0,
"ad_player_id": "none",
"ad_position": "preroll",
"ad_skip": 1,
"ad_unmuted": 0,
"content_key": "b4A486fde6dDf7Cb6C7c",
"date": "2022-09-28T23:59:59.000Z"
"message": "ok",
"status": "ok"

Structure of the Returned Results

The ad statistics object contains the following fields

dateThe date of the results.An ISO 8601 Date. As mentioned above, this is the day for which the statistics are gathered in UTC. Statistics for a day start at 12:00:00:000 and end at 23:59:59:999
ad_played_mutednumberThe number of times an ad was played in a muted state (ie: no audio)
ad_played_unmutednumberThe number of times an ad was played in an unmuted state
ad_mutednumberThe number of times the ad was muted. This was either via the mute button or by changing the volume to 0
ad_unmutednumberThe number of times the ad was unmuted. This was either via the unmute button or by changing the volume from 0
ad_impressionnumberThe number of ad impressions
ad_25numberThe number of ads that played 25% of the way through
ad_50numberThe number of ads that played 50% of the way through
ad_75numberThe number of ads that played 75% of the way through
ad_100numberThe number of ads that played through to the end
content_keystringIdentifies the video that the ads are associated with
ad_skipnumberThe number of times the ad was skipped
ad_donenumberThe number of times the ad finished.
ad_autoplayednumberThe number of times the ad played during an autoplay video
ad_countrystringThe country played. This is a two-letter country code
ad_creativestringThe creative that served the ad. Will be ‘none’ if no creative was reported.
ad_device_typeStringWhat kind of device played the ad. One of: Mobile, Desktop, Tablet, TV, Other
ad_player_idStringThe player ID (if parameterized) or “none”
ad_positionString“preroll” or “midroll”
ad_pausednumberThe number of times an ad was paused
ad_resumednumberThe number of times an ad was resumed
ad_clickednumberThe number of times an ad was clicked
ad_systemstringThe ad system the ad originated from. May be “none” if no ad system is reported.