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Properties Reference

ParOne’s player has a number of additional properties listed below. For reference, here are what the names of the fields in the Property, Default Value and Description.


type: boolean

Enables autoplay and other features.

  • autoplay - The video will autoplay the video.
  • autoplay-muted - The video will autoplay muted or unmuted.
<!-- Set Autoplay on -->
<parone-video-block autoplay="true" />


type: number

Params to set the number of items in a given feed. Applies to all player types except the Single Video Block.

<!-- Set Count to 6 on a playlist -->
<parone-multi-playlist-carousel count="6" />


type: boolean

Params to enable debugging. Enabling this to true will allow you to see Ad errors and any loading errors.

<!-- Set debug to true -->
<parone-video-block debug="true" />


type: string

Params to set the default language for the title & description.

<!-- Set to German -->
<parone-video-block default-lang="de" />


type: string

Params to set the default resolution of the video. Useful for larger screen formats.

  • For VOD - Accepted values are 360, 720, 1080.
  • For Livestreams - Accepted values are 540, 720, 1080.
<!-- Set default resolution to 360p. -->
<parone-video-block default-res="360" />


type: boolean

Params to set the video to dock in the bottom-right when scrolled out of view. See Example. Works only on the Video Block and Video Block Playlist styles only.

  • dockable will dock the video in the bottom-right when scrolled out of view.
  • dockable-sticky prevents the video from automatically returning when scrolling back into view.
  • docked-logo will add a logo to the docked player
  • start-docked will dock the video on page load and will undock the video once it has come into view.
  • start-docked-position-bottom will raise the start-docked position
<!-- Dock video -->
<parone-video-block dockable="true" />
<!-- Sticky -->
<parone-video-block dockable-sticky="true" />
<!-- Start Docked with a logo -->
<parone-video-block dockable="true" start-docked="true" docked-logo="/images/logo.png" />
<!-- Start Docked but raise 50px. -->
<parone-video-block dockable="true" start-docked="true" start-docked-position-bottom="50" />

from / to

type: string

Params to only request videos within a date range. Works only on the Playlist Carousel, Playlist, and Video Block Playlist styles only.

  • from accepts ISO date format or a date range. Only d (days) is accepted.
  • to accepts ISO date format
<!-- Only loop videos 10-days old -->
<!-- to="now" is default -->
<parone-video-block-playlist from="10d" />
<!-- Only loop videos between 1 June and 3 June -->
<parone-video-block-playlist from="2022-06-01" to="2022-06-03" />


type: boolean

Params to hide different elements of the player

  • hide-logo - The player block will hide the logo.
  • hide-description - The player block will hide the accompanying text.
  • hide-title - The player block will hide the title.
  • hide-all - The player block will hide all three elements.
  • hide-overlay - The player block will hide any overlays inside the video
<!-- Make just the video showup -->
<parone-video-block hide-all="true" />
<!-- Hide the Call to Actions in the video and just have the video -->
<parone-video-block hide-all="true" hide-overlay="true" />


type: boolean

Params used to control how the video acts once it leaves the viewport. This is useful in modals, popovers, etc.

<!-- Keep Playing Video Offscreen -->
<parone-video-block keep-video-playing-offscreen="true" />


type: boolean

Looping will reload the video once it’s done.

<!-- Loop video -->
<parone-video-block loop="true" />


type: string

Params to pass a position to the player. This accepts a string and is useful for reporting.

<!-- Set Position to Top -->
<parone-video-block position="top" />


type: string

Params to pass a player ID attribute to reporting. This was typically used when partners have used Brightcove in the past and want ensure the same reporting across.

<!-- Set Player-ID to abc -->
<parone-video-block player-id="abc" />


type: boolean

Params to shuffle videos in a playlist. Works only on the Playlist Carousel, Playlist, and Video Block Playlist styles only.

<!-- Set Shuffle on -->
<parone-video-block shuffle="true" />


type: url

A URL to an external style sheet. See Styling.

<parone-video-block stylesheet="~foo.css" />


type: boolean

Sometimes, you need the entire player to be the play / pause button. This will cause taps to show/hide controls and pause/resume playback simultaneously.

<parone-video-block touch-to-play="true" />


type: string

ParOne’s TPUT (Tee to Putt User Token). This will enable you to track logged in users video activity for sorting, recommendations, analytics and more. For more information, please review our guide for integrating TPUT. If you’re providing a hashed value and do not want ParOne to hash this value, use tput-hashed.

<!-- Pass in a user email -->
<parone-video-block tput="" />
<!-- Pass in a user email that is already hashed -->
<!-- This will not be hashed -->
<parone-video-block tput-hashed="e8400b946afc94e671ad856dbe6d963f" />


type: string

Sometimes, you need override the VAST to kill ads, or use a different VAST tag in general, but not quite using header bidding. This parameter will accomplish that for you.

  • vast-override - Overrides the default VAST
  • vast-override-id - Setting a VAST override ID for multiple players on page.
  • vast-override-delay - Delays the Override for Header Bidding.

See more information on Header Bidding.

<!-- Kill all ads -->
<parone-video-block vast-override="null" />
<!-- use a different VAST than the default -->
<parone-video-block vast-override="VAST_URL" />